Sprzedawca - Doradca Klienta w salonie marki Bytom
Do Twoich zadań należeć będzie: obsługa Klienta, aktywna sprzedaż naszych produktów, dbanie o ekspozycję towaru, budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku marki. Dołącz do nas jeśli: łatwo...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Medicover Fitness & Gym
Opiekun Klubowicza
Wystartuj zdrowo w życie zawodowe i dołącz do #TeamWellFitness! Lokalizacja: Well Fitness - Jastrzębie-Zdrój, ul. Turystyczna 5FiG Forma zatrudnienia: umowa zlecenie Wymagane...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Bergerat Monnoyeur sp. z o.o.
Specjalista ds. Sprzedaży i Obsługi Klienta w Dziale Części Maszyn Budowlanych
Zadania na stanowisku: Bezpośrednia i telefoniczna obsługa klientów w zakresie sprzedaży części Tworzenie ofert na części i usługi Zarządzanie przepływem części – zamawianie, wysyłka...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Polenergia Fotowoltaika S.A.
Telefoniczny Doradca Klienta
Zadania: Działania sprzedażowe w największej organizacji OZE w Polsce Doradztwo w zakresie energetyki Kontakt telefoniczny oraz sprzedaż wysokiej klasy, kompleksowego produktu Praca na gotowej...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25
Client Service Delivery Administrator with Dutch
What the day will look like As a member of our team, you’d be responsible for providing administrative support in terms of available insurance policies by organizing, validating, and verifying the...
Opublikowano: 2024-12-25